Whale Shark

All About The Whale Shark

My son Oliver loves all things to do with marine life, and is especially fascinated with sharks. One of his favorites is the whale shark, join us as we look at some fun facts about them, learn where you can see them, and what you can do to help these amazing creatures. But first we need to settle the question of whether the whale shark is a whale or a shark. The answer: Shark. Unlike whales, which are mammals, whale sharks have gills and are classified as elasmobranchs, a group that includes sharks, rays, and skates.

Fun Facts About The Whale Shark

The largest shark, growing as long as a school bus

Its mouth can be up to 5 feet wide! It uses this big mouth to swallow and push water through its gills

As they filter over 1,500 gallons of water an hour, whale sharks are filtering out tiny plankton, small fish, and crustaceans that they eat

Just like our fingerprints, each whale shark has a unique pattern of spots

Whale sharks are a gentle giant, making it possible to swim with them

What Aquariums Have Whale Sharks?

Thoughts from a diver swimming with whale Sharks in Ocean Voyager at Georgia Aquarium

We recently took a family vacation that included a visit to The Georgia Aquarium just to see the whale sharks they have there, read our review here.

What Risks Do They Face And How Can We Help?

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